St Kilda Repair Café

About the Program
The St Kilda Repair Café is hosted at the EcoCentre every 2nd Sunday of every month (except January), between 2pm to 5pm. Last repairs start at 4:30pm.
What do you do with a broken toaster? Or with a bike when the wheel runs out of true? Or with a sweater full of moth holes? Toss it? No way! Bring it to the St Kilda Repair Café and let one of our volunteer fixers make it as good as new while you learn new skills and enjoy a cup of tea.30
Progress to Date
Progress to date (March, 2024):
No. of items fixed: 1006
No. “almost fixed” (need parts): 276
Saved from landfill: 1906kg
Join In
If you’re interested in helping keep the St Kilda Repair Café up and running, or if you have any other questions about it, please contact John Hillel.
Website address:
Visitors are encouraged to email John Hillel with details about the repair and if possible some photographs. He will give you feedback as to whether it is worth calling in and what spares might be needed.
We also collect laptop computers and mobile phones in good working condition to be wiped by our IT experts and given to refugees. Please note that Apple computers or phones that are not already returned to factory settings need the password to be of any use.
This project is coordinated in partnership by the Jewish Ecological Coalition and the EcoCentre. Keep up to date about the St Kilda Repair Café by connecting to the Facebook page.