Port Phillip EcoCentre’s Excursions offer something special and unique that can only be achieved in an outdoor classroom. It enables students to connect to the world around them using their heads, hands and heart – intellectually, physically and emotionally.
The power and transformative nature of that connection can be seen every time we conduct an excursion, whether with students in Prep or in Year 12. Annually working with over 4,000 students, we have the privilege of seeing and hearing the students’ joy, wonder, and fascination with the natural world and the myriad of species within it.

It’s been a year of growth for our Excursion program.
Marine programs have been very popular in 2018, and we introduced excursion activities on marine and plant ecosystems, erosion, and pier designs.
Belinda Daly and Sharron Hunter (School Educators) developed new programs with a STEAM focus (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths) exploring both nurdle clean-ups and nest boxes.
Participanting students combine an appreciation of nature with scientific learning which they express through creativity, technology design to create a solution to today’s issue. Our STEAM excursions have been tremendously well received:

"The kids absolutely loved it, and the teachers even more so… The students are currently working away on their projects, a number of them were very inspired and have decided to build an assortment of boxes made from natural materials alongside planting native trees and plants in their gardens! Thank you again for such a wonderful experience, it was the excursion of the year! "
"We had a wonderful day and the content covered by Matt was well structured and relevant to our in class topics. His expert knowledge was extremely well received by the students (and staff). I will be using our real life experiences as a major reference point for much of our upcoming class work"
Congratulations to the Education Team for another stellar year of excursions: Karen, Belinda, Sharron, Reiko, Deb, Matt, Ben, Ella, Malcolm, Peter, Kate, Gio, Captain Trash. Onwards and upwards with excursions in 2019!
Interested in booking an excursion? Contact us at schools@ecocentre.com or 9525 3102 to learn more.