
Support Us
Over 2.5 million litter items reach our Bay every day from our two urban rivers. That's more than 1,500 every minute.
Your donation will limit damage to marine life, human health, and the economy.

You love the Bay, rivers, plants and wildlife.
You believe in community wellbeing.
And you know there are serious threats to our local health, habitats and food chains.
You want to back evidence-based solutions.
Your donation today will help:
- connect families, schools and Scouts to nature
- drive game-changing citizen science
- support thousands of EcoCentre volunteers cleaning, greening, learning, repairing and sharing
- protect the places and species you love.
Donate today
Every dollar helps us coordinate education, science, advocacy and innovative practical action for:
- cleaner, greener streets
- healthier habitats and waterways
- confident, young climate leaders
- informed lawmakers and decision-makers
All gifts over $2 are tax-deductible.
Make a Bequest
Leaving a gift in your will to the Port Phillip EcoCentre will help ensure that there will be clean water, clean air, thriving habitat and healthy communities around our bay into the future. In making a bequest you will be recognising the value of community-led work and supporting it to continue beyond your lifetime.
What a gift in your will can do
Your choice of bequest
Every gift, large or small, helps us achieve our vision. After taking care of your loved ones, consider leaving a gift to the Port Phillip EcoCentre. There are many ways of tailoring a bequest to suit your personal preferences and circumstances.
The most common types of gifts in wills are:
Residual bequest: You can provide for your family and friends first and leave what is left (the residue) to the EcoCentre. If your estate increases in value, so does your bequest. A residual bequest helps offset the effect of inflation. The EcoCentre can receive all forms of property and shares, and can be the beneficiary of a life insurance policy.
Percentage or nominated portion of estate: Your estate could be divided proportionally among a number of people and/or organisations. You won’t have to remake your will to compensate for changes in value over time.
Life interest: Establishing a life interest in your will allows a spouse or nominated person to use your property and to receive all of the income derived from your estate during their lifetime. The capital can then be passed on to the EcoCentre.
Cash sum: A specific cash sum is a common form of bequest but, because it does not allow for changes in the value of your estate, it may need to be renewed periodically.
Codicil: You can amend your existing will to include a bequest to the EcoCentre by preparing a signed and witnessed codicil (an additional page to your will). You should seek professional legal advice when preparing a codicil to ensure it does not contradict anything already in your will and is legally binding. For substantial amendments, it is recommended that you make a new will.
How to include the Port Phillip EcoCentre in your will
Making or updating a will is simple – just ask your solicitor to include the type of gift of your choosing. Please make sure that they include our correct legal name, Port Phillip EcoCentre Inc, our address (55a Blessington St, St Kilda VIC 3182), and our ABN (66 852 809 680).
If you decide to leave a bequest to the EcoCentre, a clause can be inserted in your will using the following words:
“I give free of all duties or taxes…
[Please insert here the appropriate statement selected from the six options below. Your solicitor can explain the differences between each of these options:]
1. the whole of my estate
2. [insert number] percent of my estate
3. the residue of my estate
4. [insert number] percent of the residue of my estate
5. the sum of $ [insert value of your gift]
6. [insert number] of my [insert name of shares] shares.
…to Port Phillip EcoCentre Inc (ABN 66 852 809 680) of 55a Blessington St, St Kilda, VIC 3182 for its general purposes. The official receipt of the organisation shall be a full and sufficient discharge to my executor.”
Port Phillip EcoCentre legal and tax status
The Port Phillip EcoCentre is an Incorporated Association registered in Victoria. It is registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission and has been endorsed as a Deductible Gift Recipient and Tax Concession Charity by the Australian Taxation Office.
Property or shares gifted through a will to the Port Phillip EcoCentre would not attract capital gains tax either for the estate or for the EcoCentre when they are sold.
Notification of your intentions
When you make a will which includes a bequest to the Port Phillip EcoCentre it is a good idea to let your loved ones know that it is important to you to contribute to this work.
While you are under no obligation to disclose the contents of your will to anyone, if you do decide to include the Port Phillip EcoCentre in your will we would love to hear from you. Knowing your intentions will enable us to thank you for this generous gesture during your lifetime, as well as to keep you updated about our work and future plans.
While we would very much like to acknowledge your bequest, your wishes for privacy in this matter will be respected. For a confidential discussion about making a bequest to Port Phillip EcoCentre, please fill in the form below. Alternatively, contact us on (03) 9534 0670 or email info@ecocentre.com.
Submit your interest