Mal and Kylie

A new, showcase-of-sustainability EcoCentre needs an anthem to celebrate it, and gather the community in song around it. Join multi-talented local musicians and vocal adventurers Mal and Kylie for a 2.5 hour songwriting session (including a snack break) where we will co-create something wonderful to share with the community at the opening of the new EcoCentre.


Participants will be limited to 20 people (12 and over) so please reserve your place via the free ticketing link below.


Do I need to be a musician or singer? Nope — just be willing to have a sing, have fun, and suggest words that remind you of the EcoCentre! Mal and Kylie will guide you through the musical bits.


When is the performance? Eco elves are working to finalise and announce a date for the EcoCentre launch. This song will make its world premiere as part of that celebration. We will host two rehearsals in the lead-up, one for singers and one for musicians who would like to weave in an instrumental part.


I am keen but can’t attend this workshop time. You can still join the performance! Closer to the event, we will have materials if you (or your choir) would like to learn the song as well, as some quick rehearsals. Or you can rock up at the launch celebration and just join the singalong bits on the day — and demonstrate your advanced clapping techniques.

Event Details
  • Phone:
    03 9534 0670
  • Email:
  • Location
    38 Blessington St, St Kilda, Victoria, 3182, Australia