ASC Pt Cook Jan 2023

Join us for our first PestWatch! community webinar of the year to learn more about invasive marine species in Port Phillip Bay.


The Asian shore crab (Hemigrapsus sanguineus) was discovered in the Bay in 2020. But what actually happens behind the scenes when a new marine pest is discovered? Dr Richard Stafford-Bell (Principal Officer Marine Species with Biosecurity Victoria) will explain the process and outcomes of the crab's arrival in Victoria.


Andrew Christie (Aquaculture lecturer with Melbourne Polytechnic and president of Marine Care Point Cooke) found a surprising number of Asian shore crabs in Point Cooke Marine Sanctuary shortly after learning about them. He will share how we can tell these pests apart from their native doppelgangers.


Cara Hull and Myra Kelly probably spend more time diving in the Bay than all of us combined! Learn how these environmental volunteers have been looking after Frankston Pier by removing pest seastars and Japanese Kelp.


Event Details
  • Email:
  • Location
    Online, via Zoom, , Victoria, , Australia